Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kylie's Art Show

Last night we went to school to see the Art Show. Each of the kindergartners had 2 projects displayed which they had completed throughout the year. Kylie's were from the beginning of the year. The first was her picture of herself. The second was a drawing of her family which included all of her cousins at the time. Enjoy the shots below:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Building, Planting, Mulching...

We had an exhausting long weekend. We put the kids play set together Friday/Saturday, did planting and mulching and planting and mulching the rest of the weekend. We are almost close yet so far away..haha. The never ending projects. Below are some shots of the play set and you can see how far we got with some the 2 planted hills in the back. Hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather and see you soon!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Vacation Slideshow

Finally uploaded majority of the pics. Check out the slideshow to the right!

Photo Shoot

Dance pics are in! I have ordered a bunch for the family which are waiting at the house when you come out, but if we need to order more we can...Enjoy!

Class Acro - Song: Tumble for Ya
Class Tap - Song: Twist & Shout
Class Ballet(left) - Song: Instrumental version of Tomorrow from Annie
Duo Ballet(right) - Song: Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

Class Jazz - Song: Rock Around the Clock

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

1 Month & 4 Days

Mr. Cayden is just over a month old. I can't believe it. My mom sent me a few pics last night so I had to share this cutie with you. He's going to be mobile by the time we see him again :( I've been told he is a really good baby, but I have heard him cry...hahaha...even that is cute! Can't wait to see you guys soon.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Dance Dance Dance

Ok we are surviving dance week (sort of). Pictures went well..can't wait to see them next week. Took a couple pics of the goofy girls (Kylie & Maya) while we waited and waited for our turns. We had regular class last night and makeup duo tonight, Kylie's going with her friend Kelly for "bring a friend day" to dance tomorrow and then 1st rehearsal on Monday.

Monday, May 4, 2009

More Trip Details

Ok it got late quick tonight. This is going to be a crazy week playing catch up from vacation and getting through all the appts, Kylie's pictures, dance classes, etc. So this might be it for the updates for a few days...sorry. First, you'll notice I added a new countdown the right....yes, Joe & Tina are expecting...although I'm not so sure about his/her arrival date....December 8th??? Cutting it a bit close (just kidding). We are very happy for you guys.

Back to the vacation. We are all still recovering, but it was an amazing time. I'm including some new pics below for your enjoyment. Can't wait to see everyone soon!!

Downtown Disney outside the Days of Christmas store. What a dangerous place to show...I think I could have bought one of everything!!
Kylie & Noah are following Aurora's lead. They had beautiful topiaries all over Epcot for the Flower & Garden Festival. It's amazing what they can do with plants...I'm lucky if I keep them alive :o)
This is the view from our balcony. The kids had a lot of fun checking to see what animals were out and about in the morning and before bed. We weren't in the room much during the day.

Their first introduction to the power rangers. Noah continued to pose like this for the next hour or so everytime I told him I wanted a picture...hahaha.

The little bathing beauty. They both had a lot of fun at the pool when we got there. We also took them for some night swimming which they thought was pretty cool. The water was nice and warm, but that night time air was a little too cold for my liking!

Alrighty...that's about it for tonight. It's way past my bedtime again and I have to get up early. Hope you all have a great night!!


I know I owe a better update on the trip...hopefully tonight. I just wanted to share the link I was just sent for the hospital pics of my cutie nephew:

Stay tuned for more updates soon!