Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mass Central Open

What a day yesterday.  We got up to the tournament early for some last min demo practice.  Noah was soooooooooo nervous, but in true fashion he absolutely rocked it when it was time.  The team as a whole did a great job and I'm sure will only improve as the year goes on.  They got 4th place in this tournament with only .05 seperating 2nd thru 4th about close!  When we got to the individual competitions there were 28 kids in Noah's division this time...insane!!!  They split the group in 1/2, but that still left him competing against 13 other kids.  He usually does pretty well, but this was by far the hardest competition he's had yet.  I'm so proud of him.  He was able to pull 3rd place on the forms.  For sparring he won his first match, but barely lost his second match which means he didn't place.  He was a little disappointed because he thought a couple of the points should have been his, but he was a great sport about it.  Here are a few pics from his form & him happily at home with his trophy :) (we'll try to get the demo loaded up to smugmug at some point this week).  Anyone that is able to make the tournament in town on June 2nd will be in for quite a show!!!  Highly recommend!!

Team Excel lined up for scoring
Scores for demo
Concentration on form
Kick during form
Happy boy home after long day

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dance Competition #2

So proud of our little girl.  After struggling with a pop-up stomach bug Friday she was still able to pull out one of her better performances on Saturday.  For both her duo & solo she received an Elite Gold!!  She also received an invitation to be part of the Elite Performance Dance Team at Nationals in July.  It's a great opportunity for her to work with choreographers and meet other girls her they get some "goodies" for participating as we'll see what comes of that.  One more competition for this year in April and recital isn't too far down the the time flies!!