Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Soccer Star

Sorry it's been a while since the last post. We've been crazy busy with getting ready to go away. Amazingly the kids are still in the dark about it..woohoo. Sunday was Kylie's first day of soccer and we were a little unsure how she would do based on her performance 2 years ago (flower picking and holding hands rather than playing soccer). Sunday was completely different. She ran out onto the field, did all the drills with her coach as requested and when it came to game time she ran after the ball...stole it a time or two and actually assisted in scoring a goal!!! She had a lot of fun. Noah did too. Because he isn't 4 yet they won't let him play, but he spent the entire hour running up and down the sideline dribbling his soccer ball and racing some of the other kids that were there. He will be more than ready for fall soccer!! Enjoy the shots below:

Kylie practicing
Kylie lining up to kick the goal during practice

Kylie is the 4th one from the right

Noah racing on the sidelines

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