We survived their first dance competition!! Luckily we got there earlier than we were supposed to because they were actually running significantly ahead of schedule. After the morning awards the girls were the 4th act to go on. There were definitely a lot of nerves - debatable on whether the girls or the moms had more :o) Other than one spot where they got really ahead of themselves and then stood for a couple seconds to wait for the music to catch up they really did a good job! The most important part is they both had fun and can't wait to do another one!!!We took a break to go out to Bugaboo Creek for an early dinner with Maya's family. Food was good and everyone had a good time....then it was back to the competition to wait for the awards ceremony.
After a few hours of watching other routines it was finally time. The girls all went out on stage and they rapidly called out all the awards. The girls were announced as receiving a Gold achievement. They each received a medal & ribbon for their work (although the ribbon says high gold...so we were a little confused...haha). It was a long day and everyone was tired. Next month the competition is right in Bristol so it will be so much closer. Hopefully with a little more practice beforehand and a few less nerves the girls will knock it out of the park!! We are soooo proud of them!!
LONG and VERY personal
10 years ago
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