Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tooth Fairy Wanted

Ok so my kids have decided to give the tooth fairy a run for her money lately!!  Combined they have lost more teeth in the last month than most kids lose in a whole year and they decided to double team her tonight.  Kylie lost tooth #15 in class today.  She raised her hand and her teacher thought she was trying to answer a question, but no...she says...umm...I lost a tooth.  The whole class looks at her and in unison says "AGAIN??"  Noah on the other hand pretty much refuses to work his teeth out.  He goes upstairs to brush his teeth and the loose one he's had for over a week almost falls down the drain when he spit.  So this is tooth #2 for him.  In addition he now has shark teeth - the two lower middle teeth are coming in behind the other teeth...so he has his first ortho consult in 2 weeks.  That pretty much sums up the tooth saga at our house.  Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the holidays!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Karate Finale 2011

What a long, but great day!  We left early this morning for the karate finale tournament in Mass.  Our team took 1st place in team fighting and then we waited for Noah's division to do kata (forms).  There were 7 kids and Noah took second!

We ate some lunch and then waited for his division to spar.  There were 9 kids in his group sparring.  7 got a bye for the first round so only 2 kids had to battle to take the 8th spot.  Noah was randomly selected to be one of those 2....and he won!  So he continued on to the next round and won again.  Round #3 he went against his buddy Jack and won...so he had one more round to get either first or second.  You guessed it...he WON and took 1st place!

Couldn't be more proud of him!!  So this completes his first full year of competition.  We have the kick-off tournament and banquet Jan 21st where I'm pretty sure he will be awarded with 1st place overall for his division in both forms & sparring....stay tuned :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekend in Review

Overall nice weekend coming to a close.  This is the first time in awhile that we actually had a whole day home!  First, Saturday we started early with CCD & karate and then the kids had their first week of basketball.  Kylie's was first and she did great!!  The coach that is running the program was leading her group and commented to Jason how good she was.  He said that she actually has really good form...go figure!!  I wasn't sure Noah was going to be able to wait for his turn.  He was on the sidelines stretching and dribbling a ball anxiously waiting.  When it was his turn he did really well also.  There were only 5 first graders there this week (hopefully more going forward).  He was doing great with his dribbling and made the most baskets!  Needless to say Daddy couldn't have been more proud...and yes it looks like he is coaching yet another sport (another shocker).  The fun part for me was seeing all these kids that have gotten to know him through soccer excited that he was there :o) The rest of the day we spent at the house playing and relaxing. 

Today we were home for the whole day.  The big news today...Noah lost his first tooth!!  The poor little guy was so upset all morning because it was pretty loose and pushed forward so it hurt to eat.  He was in tears because Jason was getting chinese food for lunch and he insisted he couldn't eat it with the tooth.  So while Jason and Kylie ran out to get lunch we tried all the old fashioned ways to get it out.  In the end he loosened it enough that it was able to be pulled out.  What a huge grin afterwards!  Here is our little toothless man:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Past Week or So

Well we survived the first major snow storm for this season.  We ended up with around 17 inches and lost power from Saturday around 4:30pm until Wednesday night.  Longest outage I can remember us having, but unfortunately there are still others in the state today without power.  This was also day #6 of no school for the kids.  It's November 7th and we are already at 7 snow days.....it's going to be a long winter!!

So Monday night there was no trick or treating (too dangerous with down trees and power lines plus 800K people without power) so the kids dressed up in silly costumes and trick or treated Daddy & Mommy...one of the crazy shots:

Tuesday night Noah had karate where he officially received his 8 Gup Blue Belt:

Thursday the kids were home with me.  It was a crazy work day which left us eating lunch later than usual.  My 2 cuties decided they were going to be chefs and make their own lunches....they did pretty good too!!

Cheese sandwich & goldfish

Boston Market leftovers
Then last night we decided to head over to the fairgrounds for the town Safe Halloween Party.  They had a haunted house, costume contest, hayride and the kids favorite....cotton candy!

They are off again tomorrow for Election Day....and Friday for Veteran's Day.  Hopefully next week we can get back to the "normal" routine :o)  Good Night All!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011