Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tooth Fairy Wanted

Ok so my kids have decided to give the tooth fairy a run for her money lately!!  Combined they have lost more teeth in the last month than most kids lose in a whole year and they decided to double team her tonight.  Kylie lost tooth #15 in class today.  She raised her hand and her teacher thought she was trying to answer a question, but no...she says...umm...I lost a tooth.  The whole class looks at her and in unison says "AGAIN??"  Noah on the other hand pretty much refuses to work his teeth out.  He goes upstairs to brush his teeth and the loose one he's had for over a week almost falls down the drain when he spit.  So this is tooth #2 for him.  In addition he now has shark teeth - the two lower middle teeth are coming in behind the other teeth...so he has his first ortho consult in 2 weeks.  That pretty much sums up the tooth saga at our house.  Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the holidays!!

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