Monday, November 7, 2011

Past Week or So

Well we survived the first major snow storm for this season.  We ended up with around 17 inches and lost power from Saturday around 4:30pm until Wednesday night.  Longest outage I can remember us having, but unfortunately there are still others in the state today without power.  This was also day #6 of no school for the kids.  It's November 7th and we are already at 7 snow's going to be a long winter!!

So Monday night there was no trick or treating (too dangerous with down trees and power lines plus 800K people without power) so the kids dressed up in silly costumes and trick or treated Daddy & of the crazy shots:

Tuesday night Noah had karate where he officially received his 8 Gup Blue Belt:

Thursday the kids were home with me.  It was a crazy work day which left us eating lunch later than usual.  My 2 cuties decided they were going to be chefs and make their own lunches....they did pretty good too!!

Cheese sandwich & goldfish

Boston Market leftovers
Then last night we decided to head over to the fairgrounds for the town Safe Halloween Party.  They had a haunted house, costume contest, hayride and the kids favorite....cotton candy!

They are off again tomorrow for Election Day....and Friday for Veteran's Day.  Hopefully next week we can get back to the "normal" routine :o)  Good Night All!

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